Any facility containing cooling towers/evaporative condensers, spa pools/hot tubs, hot and cold water services, showers and taps, is at risk of Legionella/infectious agents contamination. Employers/Landlords have a legal responsibility to ensure that the above risk to employees/occupants is under control. Our qualified personnel can carry out inspections and consultations to determine what actions you need to employ to ensure you are compliant with current best practices/legislation. Our services include:
- Legionella Risk Assessments.
- Legionella Audits.
- Water Security Inspections.
- Compilation of Prevention Plans.
- Monitoring.
Reference Documents The Safety, Health and Welfare Act, 2005 (and revisions). HPSC: National Guidelines for the Control of Legionellosis in Ireland, 2009. UK HSE ACOP L8: The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems, Approved Code of Practice & Guidance, 4th Ed, 2013. UK HSE HSG274: Legionnaires’ disease. Technical Guidance. (Parts 1,2, & 3) 2013-2014. HPSC: Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection from Water Systems in Healthcare Facilities, 2015. USA ASHRAE Standard 188: Legionellosis. Risk Management for Building Water Systems, 2015. UK HSE HSG282: Infection control in Spa-Pool systems, 2017.